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Friday, March 26, 2010

Excel Templates in BI Publisher

In this blog, I'll explain how to develop templates using Microsoft excel.
In general all the templates are developed in RTF or PDF or xls-fo.
If you need the out put in excel, we can make a RTF template and choose the output as excel. But there are some limitations. For example default print layout can not be set for the out put.
Where as, the templates developed using MS-excel can be formatted as required and uploaded to XML Publisher.

So to use the excel template for XML reports, we need to know how to reference the xml tags in excel.
------- ----------

keeping this tag inside a cell will not work. we need to use the tag in the name box.

For groups

to apply the group for some cells, all the sells that falls into this group need to be selected and then name it with the above tag.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

To get the apps user name and password

Write the following shell script and register it as conc program. log file will contain the username password of apps schema.

# Created By : Vijaya Kumar Reddy
# Creation Date : 23-Feb-2009
# Script Name : xxbr100.prog
# Description : This Script accepts three parameters
#** ********************************************************************
#Parameters from 1 to 4 i.e $1 $2 $3 $4 are standard parameters
# $1 : username/password of the database
# $2 : userid
# $4 : Concurrent Request ID
echo "-------------------------------------------------"
echo "Parameters received from concurrent program .."
echo "Time :" `date`
echo "Details :" ${Details}
echo "****************************************************************"

query to get Application Password:
Select Usr.User_Name, Usr.Description,
get_data.Decrypt((Select (Select get_data.Decrypt
(apps.Fnd_Web_Sec.Get_Guest_Username_Pwd, Usertable.Encrypted_Foundation_Password)From Dual) As Apps_Password
From Fnd_User Usertable Where Usertable.User_Name = (Select Substr(Fnd_Web_Sec.Get_Guest_Username_Pwd,1,
Instr(Fnd_Web_Sec.Get_Guest_Username_Pwd,'/') - 1) From Dual)), Usr.Encrypted_User_Password) Password
From Fnd_User Usr

Where Usr.User_Name = 'JASONMA';